Music Gallery

Above:  A duet with Landon Peck, "La Rossignol,"October 2020, see also
Also with Landon Peck: "Lesson for Two Lutes"
On Sunday, May 31, 2020, I presented a song with guitar accompaniment at a UUCC virtual service, "The Lament of Orpheus" from the opera Orpheus and Euridice. 
Below: At the October 2019 Cheyenne Guitar Society I presented a renaissance piece for classical guitar. To the right: On September 29, Carol Bowles, myself, and Beth Howard sang Amanda McBroom's "The Rose" in three-part harmony during Offertory at UUCC. The picture shows us with UUCC pianist, Priscilla Golden. Regrettably we don't have recordings of either performance. 
Angie Payton and yours truly with "Lesson for Two Lutes," recorded by Harley Nelson during practice at Unitarian Universalist Church in Cheyenne (UUCC).
Russ Williams and I presenting the first four movements from Paganini's "Duetto Amoroso" during a Cheyenne Guitar Society (CGS) meeting at the Laramie County Library in Cheyenne. Unrecorded, sorry! CGS attracts guitarists with a wide range of playing and singing modes.  
Above: Presenting "Cool Water" during Offertory on March 31, 2019, at Unitarian Universalist Church in Cheyenne (UUCC). Below: Singing with the cousin who was named after me, "Es steht eine Mühle im Schwarzwäldertal"--"The Mill in the Valley of the Black Forest." My son who recorded it dubbed the recording "Cousin Song." Edith and I sang "Die Schwarzwaldmühle," at CGS and at UUCC when she visited from Germany in October 2016.
This picture is from the September 2018 Cheyenne Guitar Society meting. That day attendance was small, and some of us were glum because we didn't place in the recent guitar competition sponsored by Laramie County Library in Cheyenne. One of us did, however, namely Bill Bailey in the Electric Guitars division. Guitarists from Greeley and Denver captured the places in Acoustic and alsoin Classical. That day we got to hear a lot of exceptional guitar playing,
"La Rossignol" ("The Nightingale") In the recording to the right, Russ Williams helps out with my score while Angie Payton plays the second voice. Below is a youtube version of Russ and yours truly. Recorded two years ago, it was played in April 2020 at a UUCC worship service. The link:
The picture on the left shows Russ Williams, Bill Bailey, and yours truly presenting Teleman's "Passepied" during a meeting of the Cheyenne Guitar Society at theLaramie County Library in Cheyenne.
To the right: Kudos in Cheyenne Guitar Society's newsletter, May 2017
To the left: Russ Williams and I performing at the Cheyenne Guitar Society sometime in 2016. Russ Williams and I have played  the piece above. This is the professional recording of Alfonso Montes's "Summer" from The Little Four Seasons.
In the summer of 2016 we performed Teleman's "Passepied for Three Lutes" at CGS. Guitarists are William Bailey, Russ Williams, and yours truly.
Russ and I are working on “Autumn” and “Winter” from Montes’s  Little Four Seasons.
Someday I'll post how Russ and I played this, Duo Montes performing "Spring" from The Little Four Seasons.
Practicing either at Russ Williams's homeor at the library.
The photo above is from a music group in Germany, "Naturfreunde"--"Friends of Nature," circa 1960, in which I played mandolin. The banner in back reads "Heimatnachmittag"--"An Afternoon in the Home Country."
Below are early practice pieces, committed to memory. My instruction book emphasizesthe importance of memorization.